Here is an article I got in my email today. Anyone want to join me!
Hikers raising cancer awareness along trailNORTH ADAMS — Two hikers popped off the Appalachian Trail and into the city Tuesday on a journey to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Cousins Chad "Stretch" Anderson, 22, and Daane "Goat" DeBoer, 20, both of Grand Rapids, Mich., wore scraggly beards and T-shirts advertising the cause they titled "Hike for the cure."
"Four years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer," Anderson said, "I saw her go through chemotherapy and radiation. I saw the pain and trial she went through and also the trial on me and my family. I don't want to see anyone else go through that."
Anderson said he felt helpless during his mother's illness and recovery process. He shaved his head in sympathy with his mother when she went through chemotherapy, but that was only a first step.
Now, he is taking four months to complete the 2,174-mile trail in order to increase breast cancer awareness.
To read the rest of the article visit this link.