In the last several days I have heard and read a couple stories about doctors who get cancer. The first one I heard was on NPR. You can get to the story by following this link. One doctor in the story has lymphoma and another doctor has breast cancer. You can listen to the stories and read an article they wrote. Here is their concluding statement, "We hope that by expressing our experiences with cancer, we will encourage providers of cancer care to better understand what their cancer patients are facing. We have this advice: Do not just focus on survival! Talk to your patients. You must try to understand what it is like to have cancer, to live with it and be treated for it, and to survive it or succumb to it. Acknowledge what you can do to help your patient and do it."
There was also an article about Santa Fe doctor, Dr. Patrick Quinn, in this past Sunday paper. The story, unfortunately, isn't online yet. I will post it if it is made available online. Here is a quote from the article:
"Now Quinn says he has more respect than ever for his patients, especially the elderly, who go through cancer treatment. 'It blows me away the people we take and put through this treatment, ' Quinn says. 'I'm amazed they get through it. It was so complex. It took so much time; it took so much effort. I thought they were pretty tough to start with. Now I really know: They are tough as nails.'"
Assignment America on the CBS Evening News also had a sad but inspiring story about a mom, her daughter, a golf tournament, and cancer. You can follow this link to the story online.
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