If you would like a more detailed email with all working links, let me know and I will send you an exact copy of the email I received. - Just request a copy in the comments section of this posting or email me at valnye@gmail.com.
Let's Walk!
Your Complete Guide to the
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
June 24-25, 2006
Event Eve is the day before the Walk starts. All participants
need to check in at Event Eve. The whole process shouldn't
take more than an hour or so, unless you have donation or medical form
details to complete. In that case, give yourself an additional
Where to Go & Schedule for Event Eve
Event Eve will be held on Friday, June 23 at:
Adam's Mark Hotel
1550 Court Place
Denver, CO 80202
2:00 - 8:00PM
All Participants must check in between these hours in
the Tower Building
All Crew Members should arrive by 3:30 for
3:00 - 3:30PM
Safety Walker Orientation in the Majestic
Ballroom, located on the lower level of the Tower
4:00 - 5:00PM
Crew Team Leaders Meeting in the
Majestic Room, located on the lower level of the Tower
Mandatory All-Crew Meeting in the Majestic Room,
located on the lower level of the Tower Building
7:00 - 7:30PM
Safety Walker Orientation in the Majestic Room, located on the lower
level of the Tower Building
Where to Go & Schedule for
Opening Ceremony
The Opening Ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 24, at:
Washington Park
820 S. Humboldt St.
Denver, CO 80209
The Ceremony site is located next to Grasmere Lake, in the Southeast
corner of Washington Park. The nearest cross streets are
Louisiana Ave. and Franklin St.
Walker arrivals
Crew arrivals are dependent on assignment
Breakfast available. Breakfast (for Participants only)
Will consist of a pre-wrapped bagel with cream cheese,
a banana, a Nutra-Grain bar, orange juice, and coffee.
Water to fill bottles will also be available.
Opening Ceremony begins
Route opens; walk begins!
What to Bring to Opening Ceremony
* Water bottle(s)! These are essential and will NOT be supplied.
Wide-mouth bottles make for easier filling along the route.
* Your gear, sleeping bag and everything you'll need for the
* SATURDAY route opens immediately following the Opening Ceremony
and closes at 7:30 pm.
* SUNDAY route opens at 7:30am; you must be out of the Wellness
Village by 8:30am; route closes at 3:00 pm.
Rest & Quick Stops &
Pacing along the Route
* REST STOPS OR QUICK STOPS will be located approximately every
2-3 miles. Information regarding the location of Stops,
including mileage, will be available to all Walkers in the
Breakfast Area at the Opening Ceremony site and at the Wellness
* Whether you plan to complete 13.1 or 26.2 miles (or somewhere in
between), please be sure you are pacing yourself accordingly.
Each Rest Stop and Quick Stop must close on time--if you
are not past a Stop before it closes, you will be transported by
bus to the next Rest Stop or to the Wellness Village.
* Please cooperate with any Crew members or Avon Walk staff who
ask you to get into a sweep vehicle or bus; remember,
they're doing it to keep you safe! And most importantly,
please remember this: walking more miles won't help anyone
suffering from breast cancer, nor will it bring us closer to a
cure... you've already done that!
Location, Schedule, Transportation & Parking for Closing Ceremony
The Closing Ceremony will be held on Sunday, June 25th at:
Washington Park
820 S. Humboldt St.
Denver, CO 80209
The Ceremony site is located next to Grasmere Lake, in the Southeast
corner of Washington Park. The nearest cross streets are
Louisiana Ave. and Franklin St.
Walker arrivals
Closing Ceremony begins
Closing Ceremony
GUEST PARKING: Friends and family attending the Ceremony may park at
the South High School parking lot on the corner of Louisiana Ave. and
Franklin St. Also, street parking is available along all streets
surrounding Washington Park. Please be sure to follow all posted
parking signs.
Guests Attending Closing Ceremony
Spectators may view the ceremony from either side flanking the stage.
Guests should plan to be at the ceremony site by 3:00pm and should
arrive earlier to secure parking.
Participant Services
A PARTICIPANT SERVICES AREA will be provided for all Walkers and Crew
Members prior to the line up for the Ceremony (line up takes place at
approximately 3:00pm). Food, beverages, port-a-johns and medical
services will be available. This is also where you'll pick up
your Ceremony t-shirt. If you are a breast cancer survivor, please ask
for the special light pink survivor shirt.
ONLY event Participants will have access to this area. You'll
need to leave Participant Services if you want to meet up with family
and friends (you'll be able to leave and enter as often as you
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