Below are three things to consider when looking for a gym in which to join. These are from Prevention Magazine Online.
If you haven't looked for a gym before, going to visit gyms and doing a "free" workout before signing up for something is part of the regular process. I have toured many gyms - and after doing one workout at a place you know if it is the right gym for you.
Start with location
Look for gyms near your home, workplace, or favorite shopping center. Even a 15-minute drive out of your way can reduce the chances that you'll use the club as often as you should.
Determine your must-haves Because your goal is weight loss, comprehensive weight-management programs or nutritional counseling should be at the top of your list. Then consider the types of activity you like--classes, solo cardio machines, yoga, Pilates, racquet sports, water exercise, or martial arts. You'll work out more if you enjoy what you're doing. And the more you exercise, the more weight you can lose.
Shop around
You wouldn't buy the first house you see. Ask for free passes to visit clubs at times you plan to use them. A too-long wait for the treadmills could become an excuse to skip a workout.
Meet your (workout) neighbors
When you visit gyms, pay special attention to the members and employees. In one small study of 20 women, those who felt inspired by the club's atmosphere or clientele were more likely to show up to exercise than women who were initially motivated to join a club by other factors (such as a membership deal). The personal relationships and support you get--not the high-end equipment, hottest class, towel service, or saunas--will keep you coming back.
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